Monday, January 30, 2012

I'm Sorry Backyard Burgers

Tonight I finished dinner with some friends, which I was proud that I only ate a house salad and two or three beers. I figured it was an even trade, a full meal for a small salad and beers.

Anyways as I pulled out of my parking spot I was faced with a Goodberrys, Backyard Burgers, and a McDonalds. All of these places have ice cream. All I wanted to do was pull up to one of these places order the biggest ice cream or shake that they had, maybe 2 of them, shove it in my face, and then go home.

I pulled in to Goodberrys and then I drove away. I pulled in to Backyard Burgers...

I reached for my phone. I called two people to talk me out of it and neither one of them answered!! I need different people on my help line :)

The lady came over the loud speaker, "Can I help you?" I wanted to say yes you can help me let me walk in your restaurant and put my mouth underneath the ice cream dispenser and turn that baby on!!

I ordered. Large oreo milkshake. Make that two milkshakes. "Pull around."

I pulled around alright. I pulled all the way through and I didn't stop. I'm sorry Backyard Burgers!! I ordered and then drove off, but it really was for the best. So here I sit dreaming of ice cream.

I decided to ask myself why I wanted to impulse eat. Then I tried to focus in on my thinking about myself throughout the day. I was feeling down today about my left knee really hurting me and it made me feel discouraged. I started telling myself that there was no way that I could do a half marathon if my knee already started hurting me.

That is when I drove away. I drove away from the ice cream because I was wanting to overeat due to the negative thinking. I actually was able to stop and think about it. Now don't get me wrong I am going to "plan" an ice cream outing in the next week or so and I can't wait! I'm glad I had self-control tonight and decided to drive away.


  1. Nice job! If I was a life line I called you back :) I can guarantee your not the only one to drive away!

  2. I think you forgot to call/text your coach.


    1. You are tracked out, I'm trying not to stalk you!!
