Thursday, January 12, 2012

Going Through Withdrawal

Ice cream eaten: NONE

I think I am in sugar withdrawal if that is possible. I feel like maybe I should be in  a rehab facility for sugar and junk food. Yesterday afternoon my head started hurting and I became really cranky. Not that being cranky is something odd (we all have cranky days) but it is when I am tracked out (that's language for year round schools-means being off work for 3 weeks). I just felt irritated...I really do think its because my body is use to eating so much sugar and processed food and in the past week I haven't done so. I feel much better this morning. I keep remembering something our Pastor at our church said about stress. He told us that we weren't meant for stress, we are meant for JOY. That might not sound like anything profound to you but  in the past 3 months it has really stuck with me and whenever I feel stressed out about working and trying to be a good mom and wife at the same time I think about that. I think about how God didn't make us to live our lives stressed all the time. I am meant for Joy.

What if food brings me joy?? Well, I guess it only brings me joy for the moment and then I feel miserable for overeating. So I guess I need to work on food in moderation bringing me joy. Food is not my main source of joy thankfully but it is something that is a daily struggle for me.

Yesterday I jumped into a pile of resources. What I mean by that is it started with my friend Amy bringing me over 20 running/health magazines (Thanks Amy). I wanted to read all of them but of course only had time for one or two. It is very inspiring to read articles that help build my knowledge or support what I am trying to do. I also took out my Michael Pollan (click on his name and the link will come up) books that I've read a few times and decided to reread through them (skimming). If you haven't read his books I strongly suggest reading them. A few of my friends suggested that I watch Food Inc. which I decided to watch yesterday too (it was raining all day). I also suggest you watch this movie, I loved it!! About 3 years ago our family really tried to eat "real foods" and I worked on making a lot of our foods from scratch. In the past year I've kind of not done it. So, I am going to work on going to more Farmer's Markets and buying locally.

I let the kids watch the movie with me and Reece says he wants to be a vegetarian now.

Amy and I went running outside for 2 miles (with some killer hills) yesterday. We were ready to run in the rain, we weren't going to let anything stop us, but thankfully it stopped right before we left. She taught me a floor routine (not gymnastics but at home exercises for arms and stomach). When I wanted to quit one of the moves or exercises she tried to be tough with me like Cori but it wasn't working for her and we both just giggled uncontrollably. I now have some good floor exercises I can do on my own.

This afternoon I am running with Cori my "coach". We are running 3 miles. I hope I do better than last week.


  1. I am loving this blog! It is really inspiring me. :) I have been eating about 80% organic for two years now and trying to stay away from artificial everything. It is very hard, but worth it. It just makes me feel good. :) SO proud of you for doing this!! You are awesome! Also, I think that addiction to sugar may be genetic. I have the same problem. ;)

  2. Thank you! Chrissy we are really so much alike. I wish we lived closer!!! We've were trying to eat organic and "real foods" and then I haven't been great about it lately. I am excited about getting back in to it. Do you have any websites that you go to for recipes? It is so hard during the week to find quick and healthy dinners.

  3. We really are! Honestly, John does most of the cooking around here. He is amazing! I usually have a baby on my boob I'm the baker, which is obviously right up my ally,lol. We just try to buy fresh and organic. I only eat chicken and turkey, so the menu is kind of limited. :)
