Friday, January 13, 2012

The Store

Ice Cream Eaten: NONE

There is ice cream in the house and I really don't care!!

Kate's birthday party is in the morning and we have a tradition of always making cakes together, from scratch, for the kids birthdays. I'd like to say that we started it because I have lots of time and enjoy cooking but then I'd be lying. We started it a few years ago because I couldn't believe that it cost 30 something dollars to buy a cake and I could just make one for pretty much nothing. Also, I read Michael Pollan's books a few years ago and he says not to eat any junk food unless you make it from scratch. So for a few years I adapted this thinking in our house. Trying to get back to that now.

I've been to the store 3 times today. The first two times I didn't buy ice cream. Fearful that it might not be there in the morning for the party :) After Kate's dance class tonight she asked me if I remembered everything. I said I thought so. She then started listing off items and I said yes to almost most of them. "Ice cream to go with the cake?" Umm... "Mommy you have to have ice cream with cake!" So needless to say Kate and I went to the store. I didn't get Breyers Butter Pecan because that was just like waving meat in front of a lion. So I decided to choose a brand that still met my less than 5 ingredient rule (also taken from Michael Pollan's Food Rules) that I am trying to follow. The rule is don't buy anything that has more than 5 ingredients.

Anyways, I got Vanilla. Do I like Vanilla? yes. Do I love it?  no. Could I still eat the whole gallon in one sitting, yes!! For some reason I don't want to. I know that tomorrow morning I have to get up at the crack of dawn and run 4 miles in the cold and a gallon of ice cream isn't what I'm wanting. So I decided to have a small glass of red wine (good for the heart and the soul).

My CC (Coach Cori) gave me a great mental analogy on our run yesterday. She told me about when I fall off the bandwagon not to continue to fall off and quit. Think of it like a phone she said, if you drop your phone you don't pick it up and keep throwing it on the ground until its broken. Then you have to start from the beginning with a new phone.

So, if I do fall off the bandwagon with eating I'm not going to continue to throw myself on the ground until I'm broken. I'm going to realize that one little crack is better than being completely broken. I'm going to do what every teacher does, throw some hot glue on it and it will be good as new.

Previously if I've overeaten then I continue to overeat for the day because I tell myself that I already blew my day of eating well. I continue to throw myself on the ground over and over again.

Today was my rest day. So what did I do? Rest. Although going to the grocery store might count as some activity. I also had to clean my house since I have a party in the morning. So today I cleaned, went to the store, went to the store, went to the store, drank a glass (ok 2 glasses but they were small) of wine, played basketball, drove to dance class, and wrote on the blog. So about 2 miles today!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! You are too funny. I only buy Breyers because of the ingredients as well. :)
