Sunday, January 8, 2012

I'm Fat

Eric and I have decided to run a half marathon to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary. We wanted to do something together that neither one of us has ever done before. I also wanted to get myself back in shape and help fight my addiction to food. I love food so much. I think about it all the time. I am an emotional eater-I eat when I'm happy, sad, worried, nervous, well pretty much all the time. I really have issues with portions. I can eat a whole gallon of ice cream in one sitting. I overeat everything. I also like to sneak food so that my kids won't eat the junk that I want, like Dairy Queen's heath blizzard (I was eating one almost every day for a few months). Can you tell that I am having a sugar withdrawal?? I'm thinking about all the sweet foods I miss and its only been a week since I've had a "sweet".

Enough about the food I love.

3 Years ago I weighed 123lbs and now I've managed to climb up to  176.4 (as of this morning) I guess eating Dairy Queen every day and quitting exercising didn't help. I am 5'4 (actually 5'3 and a half but I like to round up) so weighing 176 isn't healthy and I don't like it. If you weigh 176 and are short and you are happy with it then great but I'm not.

Enough about how fat I am :)

My Goals:
1.Not to look at being healthy as a number on a scale but a way of life that I will continue and pass down to my own children
2.Change the way that I look at myself
3. Fall in love with exercising again instead of Breyers.
4. Eat healthy from all food groups, not go on  some fad diet

Why am I writing a blog about this?
To distract me from eating. Also, because it will help me stay motivated.


  1. I love this...what a great source of encouragement and inspiration for myself. This is a great tool to keep you accountable and for others to help encourage you along in your journey. My goals are basically the same goals as yours are. I'm ready to fall in love with my body and be healthy, b/c let's face it...if we feel good about ourselves, it only helps us be better people (i.e. wives, mommies, etc.). YOU CAN DO IT Ginnie! I can't wait to see you accomplish your goals!

  2. Ginnie, I love your candid post here! Personally, I think you look great but I completely understand how it feels to not have the body and health that we want. Good luck and we can encourage each other! I know that you can do it!

  3. Oh Ginnie, I am with you! I am feeling the same way and I am surrounded by delicious Italian food and sweets...stuff I need to try for a true cultural experience, right?? That is awesome that you are running a half marathon together. I know you will be successful because you have set a goal. You should run the half in Italy...

  4. I wish I could run the half in Italy!!! You are sooooo lucky. Yes, you need to try for a true culture experience. Try half of whatever the wonderful food is and then send the other half via snail mail to me :) I am just worried about when I have to go back to work. I always tend to forget about my own needs when I work.

  5. Leigh Ann-Thank you for the support. I know I can't do this on my own!!!

  6. Rebecca-isn't it crazy how different you feel after working out?? If mommy's not happy nobody is happy :)
