Thursday, January 26, 2012

I Forgot I Was Fat

When you are working out and eating healthy you expect to magically get skinny. That is why people don't stay with their resolutions. They don't see results quick enough. I'm not falling for that excuse though. I know eventually I will see results, I actually already do!!

This morning I woke up and was feeling really skinny to say the least. I put on my normal jeans and decided to put on a shirt that I haven't been able to wear in a few years. I felt good in it and thought I looked good...
Then I looked in the mirror. It was like a Thanksgiving Turkey trying to squeeze into a small water bottle. It was bad. Real bad. Does fat guy in a little coat ring a bell??

Maybe one day soon. It was kind of funny. I should have taken a picture so in  a few months I can look back and laugh even more.

I've been doing that lately forgetting that I am still fat. It is a funny feeling. You feel so good and then you see a mirror and its like crap, the fat is still there. I actually think that this is a good thing. A good thing that I feel so positive about myself that I actually think I look different than I actually do. Don't get me wrong I still think I am beautiful fat or not :) But the fat is still there. So, it is a good wake up call looking in the mirror. For so long I don't think I truly looked in the mirror and saw myself as I really was, or the way God saw me. I looked in the mirror and all I saw was an ugly person who was gaining weight, then more weight, more, and so on, until now the whopping 171 that I am now.

If you weigh more than 171 and it offends you that I am talking about needing to lose 50 pounds then remember that we are all different. A person who weighs 125 could still see themselves as fat and ugly no matter what the number is. Also in the health and doctor world I am obese. So whether you need to lose 10 pounds or maybe 100 pounds we all need to look at ourselves as beautiful people fat or not. I would rather be beautiful and healthy opposed to beautiful and fat. So if you are beautiful and fat try to shoot for the beautiful and healthy, it is worth it.

Either way I am still beautiful because  Psalm 139:14 says "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;  your works are wonderful, I know that full well." My Father in heaven made me and I need to be careful that what I am putting in my body glorifies Him. I continue to pray that instead of relying on food I will rely on Him for comfort.

So there you go. Deep thoughts by Deaton.


  1. Ginnie,

    I try on a few pairs of pants once a month to see if they fit differently than the month before. If I keep wearing my loose pants and pajamas I don't see results except the scale.

    I'm not offended that you are not happy at 171 lbs. The one thing I'm trying to remind myself is to not compare my weight to that of others. First of all, we are all built differently. If I weighed 171lbs. I'm sure some would think I were pretty small. That's the difference in 5'8" with a big framed than 5'4" and a small frame. I've always felt that I could carry a bit extra weight than the average person (just not 100 lbs. more).

    You are doing a great job and remember, you have to celebrate your successes every once in a while! I'm going to treat myself to a mani/pedi this weekend and not a bowl of icecream.

    Love, Leigh Ann

  2. Leigh Ann thank you so much for your encouragement!! I completely agree with you. We are all so different. As I get older I am finding that my body reacts differently too. My knees are killing me! A mani/pedi sounds good. That is a great idea. Instead of treating myself to something sweet I need to treat myself to something else.

  3. My knees are killing me too! Last time I weighed myself I was 169, so I am right there with you. Although I am a staggering 5 ft. 4 1/2in. LOL I'm pretty sure the Famous Amos cookies I just ate are not helping. I did have an epiphany today though. I realized that my addiction to cigarettes has been replaced by an addiction to chocolate!

    1. I always feel like I trade one addiction in for another one too. Mmmm cookies. I think we have a bad knee gene in our family, don't we?
