Tuesday, January 10, 2012

There's A First Time For Everything

Ice cream eaten: 1 but it was planned!!!

There is a first for everything:
I do want to say that for the first time in my life I didn't eat all my ice cream.  I left some in the cup. Yes, you heard me right. I left ice cream in the cup. It called my name a few times but I said no. I know that I have NEVER  not eaten all my ice cream. Do I wish I had that leftover ice cream right now? Yes.
I told myself  a week ago that I was going to get an ice cream tonight when we went to Cold Stone to celebrate Kate's b-day. What I did differently was I looked up the nutritional value before I went. I wrote down different types of ice cream and yogurts. I went in with a plan...My plan was to get yogurt because I could get a larger amount for the same  caloric  intake as a smaller ice cream. Well of course they didn't have any yogurt, apparently they only have  it during the summer. Like that is the only time people eat yogurt. I was mad..here my one night for the week that I was going  to  get something sweet and they were  out of what I wanted. Good thing I wrote down a few ice creams that were a good choice.

I kept asking the lady if she was sure they didn't have any yogurt. I think she wished that they did. She told me a few times that they had sorbet. I'm not a sorbet kind of gal. Although I'm not even sure if I would have really liked their yogurt. I'm not sure that it is exactly what I was picturing in my head.

What did I get? I got a small butter pecan in a cup for 320 calories (the girl tried to talk me in to a waffle cone, which would have been 200 more calories for the waffle cone. I turned her down. Really?? You're going to try and talk an overweight lady into eating more calories??

Today I ran 3 miles on the treadmill and it felt really good. I pushed myself and felt amazing afterwards. I started off the day with not wanting to go. I told myself that it was Kate's birthday which meant I should get a break...then I mentally slapped myself and realized I was coming up with an excuse. I also thought how I should run because it was Kate's birthday. So that I can be healthy and be around to celebrate many more with her.


  1. I'm lovin' this blog!!! keep them coming, but as a side note...where are these pictures, I can't see them. But honestly, you probably look great! You're just going to get even better!!!

    1. Thanks Rebecca!! It is really about how I feel and the fact that based on a healthy weight for my height I am 45 lbs overweight.

  2. This is the greatest thing you've said since we started talking about all of this running/healthy lifestyle stuff:
    "I also thought how I should run because it was Kate's birthday. So that I can be healthy and be around to celebrate many more with her."

    If that isn't reason to kick yourself to go running and eat right, what is?

    I'm proud of you,
    Coach ;)

    1. Thank you Cori!! Thank you for taking me under your wing :)

  3. I loooooove frozen yogurt. It's all the rage down here. There are frozen yogurt shops everywhere! You are doing so well!! I just started running again for the first time since the baby!

    1. That is amazing that you are starting back running so quickly!! I think I waited 2 years after Reece and Kate were born before I started to exercise. Thank you for the encouragement. It really helps. I have a friend that is coming to Orlando in Feb. to do a half marathon. That would be fun if maybe next year we could try to sign up for it.
