Saturday, January 21, 2012

Getting Off the Couch on a Dreary Day

Today I woke up and my neck was hurting and of course I thought well maybe I shouldn't do my long run today. I got coffee, sat on the couch, looked out the window at the puddles on the ground, opened the front door to see if it was too cold to run (it wasn't), sat back on the couch, opened the front door again to see if  for some reason it had turned into a blizzard outside, went back to the couch, decided to watch a movie, checked the front door again to see if it was raining, went back to the movie, opened the door again, and then my movie ended.

It was decision time. Was I going to get off my behind and go or not??

As I ran out of the door I planned on running 4 miles. When I got to my 2 mile turn around spot I thought well I'll go a little further, I was feeling pretty good. I knew that if I kept going I would start where usually my run stops and Eric's run continues on and it ends up being a 5 mile run. I just kept going. I ran the 5 mile course. I don't know why I kept going but I did.

Maybe it was because...
-Kate said to me before I left that "I want to be a runner too and Mommy you sure are being healthy."
-I ate 15 almonds before I ran and I had a lot of energy
-an elderly man cheered me on when I was close to the 2 mile  mark (where I usually turn around)
-I was proud of myself because I really didn't want to run today
-I knew I couldn't stop because I had to be home in time to leave for Reece's basketball game
-it was drizzling outside and I felt like I was really challenging myself
-I pretended that I was being filmed for my own documentary (lately we've been watching documentaries when the kids are in bed)
-I got my hair cut yesterday and I was feeling good about myself
-I passed a guy sitting on his porch smoking at mile one and it made me push harder

Whatever the reason is I can't explain what a wonderful run I had today. I pushed myself just enough so that I completed something that I can't ever remember doing, 5 miles. Yes, I'm sure my old 2 hour soccer practices at Montreat or Sun Valley could have equaled 5 miles but I've never run 5 miles- distance wise.

Today I did it and I am very proud of myself.

Just imagine what I would be writing about if I chose to sit on the couch or do something else. Today gave me strength mentally that even on the days when I really don't want to run, I need to do it anyways. This run will be in my mind for awhile.


  1. SO STINKING PROUD OF YOU!!!! That is amazing! I need to start pushing myself!!

  2. Thank you Chrissy!!! Ok, seriously you just had a baby...I can't believe you are already running!! Thank you for the encouragement.
