Monday, January 9, 2012

The Day of Chili

Ice cream eaten today: NONE

No not Chili's my favorite restaurant that I could eat 20 refills of the chips from but Eric's chili. I love it when he makes Chili because our family can eat it for days, well at least with this batch we will. I had a bowl for lunch and a bowl for dinner. Yes, just one bowl, no seconds, or thirds, or that fourth bowl that just makes you feel sick.

Today I went to the Y and lifted weights with Audrey (thank you for showing me how to work some of them). I also did 20 minutes on a machine that made it seem like I was skiing (not an elliptical but its sister or something). Today was just supposed to be a weight lifting day. I am not counting what I did on "The Machine" because I think I only burned 30 calories (that's how slow I was going) and I could have easily been mistaken for a person that was just standing on "The Machine". Needless to say I know how to start it and end it.

I met with my "coach" Cori and she is hot on my tail. She made sure that I knew my "Rest" day on my schedule meant something besides sitting on the couch (which I did know :) I expressed my concerns with her about how when I go back to work on the 23rd I am worried about not finding time to workout. I gave her the example of how on the 23rd I have a club after school til 5 and then Reece has basketball at 7 and Eric has to work. Well she said, "Quit the excuses! Monday is a weightlifting day and you can lift at home early in the morning before school." She then said, "What else?" I then realized I was already making excuses for helping myself quit when I go back to work.

Supposed to Be Funny Story:
Today I pondered on how I've actually gone to Dairy Queen (not today) and ordered 2 large Heath Blizzards and talked out loud to myself at the register about how one was for my husband in the car. Of course he wasn't in the car they were both for me!!! Ahhhhh!!!

So, overall today has been a pretty rainy, boring day. No overeating, no runner's high, no feeling guilty because I just ate an amount of food that could feed a small village, just a good day.


  1. We love chili too and it is a staple in our household.

    97% fat free ground turkey
    chopped white, red or green onion
    2 cans of chili beans or red beans
    2 cans of diced tomatoes
    add plenty of spices

    (you can add chopped parsley, sage, hot sauce, etc.)but we have to keep it non spicy for the kids to eat it.

  2. "It is wise to focus your energy on answers-not excuses."

    No more excuses.
