Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dodging Traffic

Ice cream eaten today: NONE
Times tempted to eat ice cream: 1
*I was tempted mentally to overeat much more than 1 time, but I was really tempted and almost didn't fight it 1 time

When you're running with your running coach and they tell you to sprint across a busy street by gosh you sprint or you are going to get hit. Of course I'm exaggerating a little but I'm glad I listened. Today was probably my best feeling run. I don't know why but there was a certain peace I felt today running and of course the feeling afterwards is indescribable.

When my coach Cori told me I ran 11:29 average mile (we ran 3 miles), I couldn't believe it. I was so excited. Last week when we ran I ran 12:44. Let me clarify, I ran only 3 miles today. Cori ran 10 miles this morning and then 3 miles after school with me. She is a running machine!  She is really good at distracting me and somehow pushing me at the same time. She really needs to start some type of personal trainer business.

Dodging traffic in our lives is really hard to do. There are so many "things" that can keep us busy and we miss out on what life has to offer. We forget to live life or we live it without Joy. I hope that I can really start to look for life in places or people that I normally wouldn't look.

I hope to Listen to Life through God.

Today I thought about going and getting the waffle cone with triple scoops that I really wanted the other night. I knew that nobody would know (but God of course) and  I  told myself  just do it this once. Then I thought how I would have to put it on my blog!!! So thank you to anyone out there reading. You helped me to not overeat today.

By the way, I'm not saying that I can't ever eat ice cream. I just know that I don't have any self-control with it right now (like I eat the whole carton). I am trying to train myself to be able to have ice cream, or any other "sweets", as a rare occasion and be able to eat it in moderation when I do have it.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job!! The fact that your running coach ran 13 is great but YOU ran 3!!! That is awesome. Keep up the good work!
