Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Back to Reality

Today I went back to work. I've been off for 4 weeks (year round school). I knew this day would come and with it would come stress. Not stress from what I do because I love teaching, but stress from being able to juggle everything. It is hard to do everything. I usually put myself at the bottom of the totem pole which is why I'm fat. For the past few years I didn't make time for me to exercise. Well, I am now. Momma needs some time too. By giving myself time to work on my health it will help me be a better wife and mother. I believe it will also draw me closer to God. Instead of relying on food for comfort I will rely on Him.

So, at the end of the day today when I felt like I had 50,000 things still to do in my classroom, I put on my running clothes and I ran 3 miles. I have workdays now so it is a little easier. Don't worry if you are a parent in my class and you happen to stumble on this and you are reading it. I will still maintain my "Teacher of the Year" status :). I am just going to be a little bit wiser with my time. So instead of walking down to the teacher's lounge to get something sweet from the vending machine during my planning period, I will use that 6 minutes to get more accomplished so I don't have to stay as long after school.

It is also hard to prepare a healthy dinner when you get home at 5:30-5:45 and your kids are wanting to eat. I need to find some quick healthy meals. Tonight we ate brown rice with cooked broccoli and a little bit of soy sauce. I also made Jiffy muffins, which I read the label while we were eating and I wish that I hadn't made them. There were 20,000 ingredients and the third one was sugar!! Next time I will toast a piece of bread for the kids or something.

Also, when I start actually teaching on the 23rd, I most likely won't be writing in this blog every night!

I forgot to mention that I lost 3 lbs last week!!!! Only 50 more to go :)


  1. If you don't have a George Foreman grill, invest in one. It's great for grilling chicken (you can then add BBQ for the kids, chop it up and put in into a salad for you, put it over some whole wheat pasta with a little sauce) or putting a hamburger steak on it. You can saute so veggies or serve up some frozen ones. I also LOVE my crock pot for roast beef/pot roast. Those are my obvious recipes. You can do it! I don't teach all day long, but I have busy days like you...once exercise becomes part of your routine, everything else works out. Also, think about giving the kids a bigger (healthy) snack so they can hold off a little longer for dinner?? Just a thought...KEEP IT UP GINNIE!!!

  2. 3 lbs. is awesome, way to go!

    I saw this recipe on the Biggest Loser last week and we've had it twice now. It's quick and easy plus low calorie/low fat and the kids love it.

    1 lb. of ground turkey or ground chicken (we've tried it once with each and I actually prefer to chicken)browned. Add spices to suit taste

    1 onion, 1 bell pepper, 1 red pepper, 1 yellow pepper sauteed for about 2 minutes in a tsp of olive oil.

    Mix the meat with the veggies and add 2% shredded cheddar cheese (optional)
    Put on whole wheat tortilla

    You can also serve with rice but remember 1 cup of white rice has about 200 calories.

    Total calories:

    1 Whole Wheat tortilla - 170 calories/4 g fat

    Olive oil - 40 calories/4.5 g fat for 1 tsp

    veggies - approximately 50 calories per svng/0fat

    1/3 cup of white rice (cooked) - 66 calories/1.5 fat
    or brown rice (healthier option)

    Totals - 326 calories/10 g of fat

    **These are estimates based on the brands that I buy.....I love this meal and it is quite filling.

  3. oops, forgot to add the shredded cheese calories and fat mainly because I didn't have any on mine. But that would be: 1/4 cup is 110 calories and 6g of fat.

    Also, you can add 1 raw egg and 1 raw eggwhite to the meat before browning it for a breakfast burrito. Of course this would add calories and fat too. I haven't tried it this way because it tastes good to me as I stated above.

    This meal takes about 20-30 minutes to prepare

  4. WAY TO GO!!
    I definitely feel your pain on the juggling. Can't imagine doing it with more than one kid! I am SO much happier now that I've moved to 6th grade. I get off at 3, I never take work home with me and I don't stay late. It is wonderful!! ;)
