Sunday, January 29, 2012

I Made the Bed Collapse

The Deaton's House: January 28, 2012
(Ginnie sits on the bed)
(Eric's head bobbles up and down)

Ginnie-"Eric don't bobble your head up and down like I jumped on the bed"
Eric-"Ok you did jump down on the bed"
Ginnie- "No I didn't"

10 seconds later...

a small noise

10 more seconds...
CRASh!! The bed falls through the frame on to the floor.

I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long time. I guess there's nothing like  collapsing a bed to make you feel good about yourself. I've broken a chair in my bigger days but never a bed. I mean at least I could have been eating ice cream or something while it fell. The funniest part was that while we were fixing the bed, Eric was putting the wooden slabs back on. He was saying something to me teasing me about saying that I didn't jump on the bed and then he fell and split the wood in half (he was ok). So, I guess the good thing is that we are both eating healthy and exercising now and hopefully will be able to sit on furniture soon with out it breaking. This could get expensive.

Our bed works perfectly fine now though and we are still giggling about it.

My left knee has been hurting me. Friday was my rest day, Saturday I swam (my knee felt much better afterwards!) and today I decided to stick to my running plan and I ran 4 miles. When I hit my 2 mile turn around point I wanted to keep going Eric's route, but I decided to do the 4 miles. I don't want to injure myself by being over zealous.

I didn't want to go this morning. I was going to wait and go this afternoon but my sweet husband brought me coffee in bed after he got back from his over 5 mile run and it gave me the kick I needed to get up. I'm glad I did. It always starts my day off better when I've run in the morning.

Today was a hard day for cravings. I wanted anything and everything that was junk food. Luckily we don't have any in our house. It continues to be a fight and I don't know if that will ever go away.

The main point is that I collapsed a bed and ran 4 miles all in one weekend!!