Monday, January 9, 2012

Here Come the Fat Pictures

I decided to put up an actual picture of myself. I haven't let anyone post a picture of me on facebook in the past two years since I decided to get fat. Well I did put a black and white cropped picture that didn't really look like me on there a few weeks ago.

So, here is trying to be true to myself. This picture isn't cropped, nobody stood on a chair to getter a higher angle so I would look skinnier, no black and white so you can't see the double chin, I didn't turn to the right so that it looks like I weigh less, I didn't ask to be in the middle so that the people around me would cut me off, I didn't extend my chin just exactly so that hopefully 10-20 lbs will be taken off of my face, and finally I didn't post a picture of me from 1990 whenever. This is me right now, how I look, without any fancy well I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about...

Here's to trying to be true to myself. Thankful that God made me who I am and I'm proud of it. So if I've asked you to not post a picture of me in the past 2-3 years, go for it, and if you see random pictures show up on my facebook that are from months ago then I am finally approving them. They must actually show what I look like and heaven forbid anyone get fat and have pictures on facebook.

So here's to fat pictures of myself on facebook :)


  1. Hi Ginnie, glad you had a good day!

    I love your post and yes, I know the pictures you are talking about. I had to go back through my pictures and see if I had any that were as you described above. I was glad to see that for the most part, there were only a few and I had overall remained true to myself(as painful as that is at times.) I did notice that I hadn't posted as many pictures from 2011 that I had in 2010 and 2009 because as of November 1st, 2011 I had gained about 50 lbs. It has been a very tough year personally and professionally. I was allowing that excuse to give me a reason to overeat but recently, I've had a revelation that most of the past 10 years have been tough years in one way or another.

    It took me seeing a picture posted of myself from our Boston trip in October plus a looming 40th birthday to realize what I had done to my body over the past year and to finally say "enough is enough." I was in the middle and it didn't help! I am thankful to report that as of today, I've dropped 20 of the 50lbs. and plan on dropping the rest this year!

    So many times I have been concerned about what I look like and what people think of the way I look that I've not enjoyed the moment. In reading your blog, I realize that we all see ourselves differently than others see us and in fact, we are rarely thinking of how others look because we are so concerned with how we look.

    Thank you for your posts and keep them coming. I just stopped by to read your update from today and because I did, it kept me from grabbing a late night snack that I was thinking about. Because I read your blog today, it will be another day of staying within my calorie range and not giving into temptation!

    Love, Leigh Ann

    1. Leigh Ann thank you so much for your encouraging words!! Way to go on the 20 out of 50lbs!! That is awesome and an inspiration for us all. You are so beautiful!!!
