Monday, January 23, 2012


No time today to even think about ice cream!!

Today was the first day back to school with kids (I had teacher workdays last week). I am tired.

Today was supposed to be my weightlifting/stretch day. I planned on getting up at 5:00 am and going to the Y before work. I woke up at 5:45 but still went. On my way there I remembered that tomorrow after school I couldn't run my 3 miles on the treadmill that I was supposed to do. I have somewhere I have to be at 5:30. So, what did I do?? Coach Cori you will be proud!!! I didn't use it as an excuse, I ran my 3 miles this morning instead of stretching and weights. I can do those at my house if needed tomorrow. I am very proud of myself for not taking the easy route this morning. I could have allowed myself to stretch this morning and then tomorrow I wouldn't be able to do anything due to other things.

I'm glad that I am starting to see again how important exercise is in my daily routine.


  1. THAT is what I'm talking about. I am beyond proud D! Can't wait to run with you this week!

  2. I feel like a slacker. I've still only been doing a mile and a half. I can't seem to push past it. :(

    1. Cori who is my running coach gave me the idea about playing with numbers while I'm running and that helps me some. Like if I'm on the treadmill I will do one pace for 2 min. and then another one for another 2 min. Running for awhile without music and then turning it on helps me. I've also tried just adding a little each time. You can do it!! Also, I wish after just having a baby I would have started as soon as you are. You are doing great!!
