Sunday, June 3, 2012

Food Intervention Needed

As I finish my 3rd bowl of Captain Crunch I think about the "old days" just a month ago. How healthy and good I felt. I was eating healthy and running 4 times a week.

Well a week before my half marathon I hurt my Achilles tendon. I rested it and was able to run the half. Since then I've had issues and it is depressing.

I really love running. It is therapy for me. It really takes the place of my overeating. So what do I do now that  every time I run I feel my Achilles pop for a few day afterwards. This stinks. Right when I was on a good track something like this happens. I know I need to rest it, but running is calling my name. I need it.

Maybe the problem is that I don't need it. The only thing I really need is God. I went from relying on food to relying on running, so I need to try and rely on God. I do need something to keep me healthy though. I need to see a doctor about it, the running that is.

I also need to find something to do while my Achilles heals. Maybe swimming? I don't know.

In the past month I think I've eaten everything and I mean everything in sight. Shoveling food in to my mouth. It is disgusting. I feel gross. Why is this so hard? Why can't I be one of those people that doesn't obsess over food. Is it genetic? Why is it so hard to not eat everything around me?

Well...I have to go check and see if there is any butter pecan left. :)

Intervention Needed.


  1. Hey Ginnie...don't be too hard on yourself! It's hard when you have an injury and it affects everything you've set into place. Try the swimming, if I remember correctly, you love swimming! Just swim more :) Also, I don't know if you've heard of this book, but I've started reading Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst...all about what you are talking about. (Satisfying your deepest desire with God, not food) I'm just so proud of all you've done thus far! You can do it!!! I'm inspired by you!

  2. Thanks Rebecca!! I am going to look that book up. It sounds good!
