Sunday, June 17, 2012

Thank You Eric

Eric and I got married young and it seems like we were even younger when we had kids. We quickly went from one step to the next. A year after being married I got pregnant.

I remember coming home from the hospital with Reece and us thinking, "They really let us come home with a baby?" Thankfully our survival skills kicked in and we made it through the baby years.

When you think about what a father should be many thoughts and expectations come to mind. I was raised by my mom so I've never really had anything to go by. Just what I "thought" I knew. Early on what I "thought" a father should be is different then what I think now. I remember my mom use to always tell me, "Make sure you marry a man that loves God and is a hard worker."

Eric goes above and beyond my expectations of a father. Our kids watch him like a hawk, his every move. Whatever he does Reece wants to do.

Eric is thankfully everything that I'm not. God really knew what he was doing when he put us together as parents.

I am cautious and worry all the time. He is adventurous and calm.

He is patient, firm, reliable, silly, a hard worker, involved, and compassionate.

His never ending love for his children shows in the example that he sets for them.

He cooks, cleans, does homework with the kids, plays with them, disciplines them, and most importantly prays with them each night.

I often ask myself, what do I do :) ?? 

I am very thankful to have a husband that is also a father. A good father. Thankful that our kids will grow up knowing what it is like to be loved by their Dad and have him in their lives. Thankful that he sets high expectations for what a father should be.

I probably don't tell you enough, but thank  you Eric. You are an amazing father.

Thank you for showing your kids how to love and how to have fun.
Thank you for showing them how to love and respect your wife.
Thank you for giving them confidence and letting them know they can trust you.

Thank you for showing them how to love God.

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