Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Marriage: Speaking A Different Language

It is hard to write creatively when I'm not depressed or when I haven't had a glass of wine to get my brain thinking but here goes...

Do you ever feel like you need an interpreter at your house even though you speak the same language? Someone  to tell your husband what the heck you just said or what you are trying to say or the other way around.

Last night Eric and I talked about something for about 20 minutes and I'm not even sure if we were both speaking English. I didn't have a clue what he was saying and I am pretty sure that he didn't know what I was saying either.

If you've never felt this way in your marriage or relationship then that might even be a bigger problem.

Tonight I am thinking about how good I feel because I ran today and I feel so much better when I run in the morning. (I guess I had to throw a line in about running since I love it!!!)

I am also thinking about how thankful I am that Eric and I have been married 10 years. Don't get me wrong we've really just started learning how to really LOVE each other in the  past 3 years, through God's grace. The first 7 years of our marriage seemed like we did everything wrong that we were supposed to do right. Maybe it was due to getting married young, maybe we were immature, who knows. All I know is I'm glad we've made it this far.

Each day we learn more,and each day we grow closer to what God has for us.

I grew up thinking that once I got married everything would be perfect. I had an unrealistic version of marriage. I don't know why I thought that , because my parents were divorced. Eric seems to think I've watched too many Hallmark movies (he won't admit that he watches them with me now :)

Marriage/Relationships are hard. They take work. Some years more than others.

I do know that when we are sitting on the back porch at 80 drinking a glass of wine or a Blue Moon we will look at each other and be thankful that we continued down the road of the unknown.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting honestly cousin, because I feel the same way. Jeremy and I have been married 7 seven years and we are just now figuring it out as well!!
