Monday, July 16, 2012

I am REALLY BEAUTIFUL because of Jesus

It is amazing how many times I look in the mirror and I think negative thoughts about myself.

Fat butt.
Flat butt.
too big boobs.
not perky enough
too big belly.
small down the front but not on the sides
big face.
fat hair.
swollen arms
too thin hair
small legs, big upper body
chipped tooth

It is also amazing how many times I look in the mirror and think how beautiful I am. No matter what weight issues I have with myself for some reason I always end up thinking I look ok. Maybe its because I know that God made me and he doesn't make ugly. Maybe its because I know that I am stronger and deeper than sometimes how I feel on the outside. Maybe its because I know that by God's grace I am saved from all the bad things in the world. Maybe its because I was raised to believe in myself no matter what.

Maybe when I look in the mirror I see Jesus' love instead of my own unworthiness.

I don't know.

I do know that I am beautiful.

My eyes are pretty. My skin is smooth. I am funny. I am smart. I love everyone. I would do anything for my friends. I have people that love me and I feel it. I enjoy laughter. I love hugs. I like to dance. I love to read. I like being around people. My kids are my world. I love teaching. I enjoy growing in my profession. I love Jesus. I love music, even though I can't play it. I have fun. I love my husband. I love food, sometimes in an unhealthy way, sometimes not. I am unique. I am me. Sometimes happy, sometimes depressed.

I know that we all go through ups and downs. Good and Bad. Feeling like we are on top of the world and feeling like we could crawl to the deepest,  darkest cave.

What matters is what do you do when you want to crawl to the deepest, darkest cave of life?

Do you show love?
Ask yourself, what do you do?

I know that I am really beautiful. Not because what I weigh, or what I wear, or what I look like, but because my Father above loves me and has sent His Son to die for me and my sins.

Thank you Jesus for loving me for me.

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