Saturday, February 11, 2012

Trouble on The Bus

I am supposed to be swimming right now. I woke up at 7 to go swimming and I haven't made it out the door yet. :) I will soon.

I feel very thankful this morning to have a son that truly loves his sister so much.

Yesterday Reece and Kate arrived to school on the bus and both came up to my classroom before going to their classroom. I knew something was up.

Reece: " I think I did something I shouldn't have"
Me thinking to myself well this isn't completely out of the ordinary.

Kate: Says nothing just is staring at me like she is in big trouble (she is a rule follower and is very fearful of getting in trouble, especially at school)

Reece goes on to tell me that he got in trouble with the bus driver. He says that Kate and her friend were yelling and the bus driver asked "Who's that yelling?" Reece tells the bus driver it was him.

Me: "Why did you lie to the bus driver?"
Reece: "Because I didn't want Kate to get in trouble mommy. She's never been in trouble before. The bus driver told me I would be in big trouble.

Side note: The first day the kids were on the bus they sat together. Kate wanted to sit by the window (after they already sat down) she wanted to switch seats with Reece. Reece stood up to switch seats and got in trouble with the bus driver and had to sit in the front for a week. So this is his second encounter with the bus driver.

I ask Kate why she didn't confess up that she was yelling and not Reece.

Kate: (bites her nails) Is trying to not break down in a flood of tears.

So what did I do? Well, I walked them both down to the assistant principal who was still at the bus drop off and make them tell him what they did. I thought Kate was going to pass out. Yes, I turned my own kids in.

What a sweet brother to take up for his sister like this. Apparently we need to work on lying to adults with him but that's not the point :) I don't know that a lot of brothers would protect their sisters like that. Reece is such a loving big brother and always does what he can to show love to his sister. We are so lucky that they have such a close relationship.

1 comment:

  1. That is so cute that he did that!.....

    ........Now go swim.

    :) Love you!
