Friday, February 17, 2012

A Lot on My Mind

This week has felt like a long week. Unfortunately today I turned to food when I needed comfort. I have a lot on my mind.

Wednesday morning Kate woke up with a swollen foot and a weird rash all over her. I took her to the doctor that morning. Her normal doctor wasn't there so we saw someone different in the practice. She tested positive for strep throat. The doctor told me that it was something else too. That she has Acute Rheumatic Fever. I wasn't even sure what that was. She said that she would have to be on penicillin until she was 21 to help prevent her from getting strep. Strep could cause her to have heart problems and other issues possibly.

Kate had a lot of tests done that day. EKG, Echo, and blood tests. The infectious disease doctor was taking pictures of her rash and said that the rash was Erythema Marginatum.

So she was sent home with Aspirin and penicillin.

Thursday morning she woke up with swollen eyes and then her lip started to swell up. We took her to the doctor and her normal Pediatrician was there. He said he had a different theory about what was going on. Well he actually never really stated or confirmed his theory. He just really wanted to see some other things. He didn't think there was enough evidence for Rheumatic Fever. He said the swelling in her joints might not be the actual joints that are swollen.

He gave her a penicillin shot  and put her on prednisone and wants to see her back Monday morning to discuss this more. So she is currently on: Prednisone, Penicillin, Zyrtec, and Aspirin.

So we have one doctor that says she needs to be on medicine until she is 21 and we have one doctor who wants us to kind of just wait and see.

I just want to know!!!

So today I drank a chocolate milkshake and man it tasted good. I haven't been running since Tuesday and I miss it, so I guess that is a good thing. Tomorrow I will run.

Please just pray for the doctors clarity and that this is really just nothing at all and everything will be okay. I am worried about our baby girl.

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