Thursday, February 23, 2012

Not Enough Time, Lent, and I Was Attacked by a McFlurry

I'm tired of making salads. I need to really add some healthy variety or else I will go crazy. I wish I had a magical fairy that would just prepare me a healthy lunch and dinner each night. As a working mother it is difficult after returning home from soccer practice or any other activity around 6:30 to put together a great healthy meal.

I know there are lots of crock pot recipes, but we don't eat a whole lot of meat and it takes time to read the recipes get the ingredients and put it all together. I really don't have a lot of time.

A night without sports:
5:30 get home from work
6:00 eat
6:30 clean up
7:00-kids read
7:30 kids get ready for bed
8:00 kids go to bed.
8:00-9:30 or later:  do work, check Facebook, maybe watch a show if it is Wed. night

I don't know how people with a lot of kids do it. Of course all that is with Eric's help if it isn't a night he is working. Tonight I didn't get home from work until 7. Of course I met with my CC after school and we ran 4 miles and she gave me some great technique strategies. Then I needed to get some work done in my classroom. So then I didn't get home until after dinner.

I do want to say that I am VERY thankful that I have a husband that cooks, cleans, I guess I don't do a lot. Even though he does a lot of the housework it is still hard to manage everything!!!

Unfortunately I have to report that I stopped by McDonald's and bought an Oreo McFlurry and man it tasted sooo good. I did this after I spent 30 minutes talking to my Coach Cori's ear off about how mentally strong I've felt lately with eating. I went to Chili's the other night and we only ate one basket of chips. Anyone that knows me knows that if I was stranded on an island I would want Chili's chips and salsa. So this is good for me. I also only ate the soup and salad.

So why did I stop? Because I love ice cream.

I'm not Catholic but I've always participated in Lent for some reason. Well not always, just for the past few years. I like the idea of giving something up and trying to focus on God instead.

Yesterday was supposed to be my first day giving up alcohol. Well, that idea went south of the border. I had a glass of wine last night. So then I thought maybe I should start doing something different each day to help other people instead of giving something up.

And guess what? I forgot to help someone today. Apparently I'm not good at Lent.

So, this has been a mixture of me complaining.

Positives to throw off all my complaining:
1. Kate went to the doctor on Monday and the rest of her blood work came back. Her doctor doesn't think she has Rheumatic Fever. She is as of tomorrow off all the meds and we are just kind of waiting to see if anything else pops up.

2. Reece had his first soccer practice last night and he is still really good
3. Eric is helping coach Reece's baseball team
4. Negative: Reece is playing soccer and baseball, and like the Fall he will have to sometimes choose between his soccer game and baseball game: He always picks baseball.
5. Kate loves reading.
6. Eric is making more bread. (I guess in my case this could be a positive and negative)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bud Light and Running Don't Mix Very Well

My advice is to not drink and then run.

1. You will think you are faster then you really are and run your first 2 miles really fast
2. You will want to throw up
3. The last 2 miles you will have to go to the bathroom, really bad
4. If you throw up you won't know if it is from drinking or running
5. You will feel sick
6. You will feel sick

I only drank 2 Bud Lights but I was wishing that it was O Bud Lights. The last three miles weren't bad besides the fact that I had to go to the bathroom. The first two were a little rough, I really thought I was going to be sick.

Once the sickness wore off my run turned in to a very peaceful evening. The weather was perfect and it reminded me of evening soccer games for some reason. The air was a little crisp and there was a clean smell.

I really didn't want to run today. I spent most of the day feeling kind of depressed and I turned to food. I didn't go overboard or anything but I was definitely doing some emotional eating. I decided to do some cleaning to take my mind of some things. It worked. I kept on finding things to do so I wouldn't go running.

It is weird because I felt like I hadn't run in forever, although I ran on Tuesday. I'm not use to 3 days off! Yesterday I felt like I really missed running but today I was trying to put it off for another day.

I'm so glad I went. I ran 6.8 miles. Running tonight gave me such a calming feeling. I listened to my Coach Cori and really tried to take in the beauty around me and somehow my mind went blank from all my worries. I was taken back by God's beautiful Creation.

Running is very therapeutic for me.

Friday, February 17, 2012

A Lot on My Mind

This week has felt like a long week. Unfortunately today I turned to food when I needed comfort. I have a lot on my mind.

Wednesday morning Kate woke up with a swollen foot and a weird rash all over her. I took her to the doctor that morning. Her normal doctor wasn't there so we saw someone different in the practice. She tested positive for strep throat. The doctor told me that it was something else too. That she has Acute Rheumatic Fever. I wasn't even sure what that was. She said that she would have to be on penicillin until she was 21 to help prevent her from getting strep. Strep could cause her to have heart problems and other issues possibly.

Kate had a lot of tests done that day. EKG, Echo, and blood tests. The infectious disease doctor was taking pictures of her rash and said that the rash was Erythema Marginatum.

So she was sent home with Aspirin and penicillin.

Thursday morning she woke up with swollen eyes and then her lip started to swell up. We took her to the doctor and her normal Pediatrician was there. He said he had a different theory about what was going on. Well he actually never really stated or confirmed his theory. He just really wanted to see some other things. He didn't think there was enough evidence for Rheumatic Fever. He said the swelling in her joints might not be the actual joints that are swollen.

He gave her a penicillin shot  and put her on prednisone and wants to see her back Monday morning to discuss this more. So she is currently on: Prednisone, Penicillin, Zyrtec, and Aspirin.

So we have one doctor that says she needs to be on medicine until she is 21 and we have one doctor who wants us to kind of just wait and see.

I just want to know!!!

So today I drank a chocolate milkshake and man it tasted good. I haven't been running since Tuesday and I miss it, so I guess that is a good thing. Tomorrow I will run.

Please just pray for the doctors clarity and that this is really just nothing at all and everything will be okay. I am worried about our baby girl.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I Love Running!

I thought that I would be writing about me throwing up on my run today. I ate pizza 2 hours before my run and let me tell you that halfway through running my "long run" I thought I was going to puke. You know what I thought to myself, well this would make a good blog post :).
I made it without throwing up the pizza and the run was amazing.

It was a different run. I didn't want to run today, I got home from a birthday party and my stomach hurt a little and I was feeling tired (probably from the M&Ms I ate at the party, I was coming down from a sugar high).

I made myself get my shoes on and go out the door. I knew how good I would feel afterwards.

The first 3 or so miles it felt like I was running but not really. I felt like I was there but not there. It was weird. My legs felt good, I wasn't bored, I was breathing great, my mind was clear. So clear that at one point I felt like I was running and the whole world around me had stopped.

I was supposed to do 5 miles today but for some reason when I came to the road that I was supposed to turn right on and it would take me home for the last mile, I laughed out loud and kept going straight to where I knew it would add on another mile.

So on a day when all I wanted to do was lay on the couch I put my shoes on, stepped out the door,  and somehow my shoes took me where I needed to go. I felt like Dorothy. Really, I felt like Dorothy.

It amazes me how different every run is. I'm feeling good. I've been working out 6 weeks now, I've lost 10 pounds, and I am really excited!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Trouble on The Bus

I am supposed to be swimming right now. I woke up at 7 to go swimming and I haven't made it out the door yet. :) I will soon.

I feel very thankful this morning to have a son that truly loves his sister so much.

Yesterday Reece and Kate arrived to school on the bus and both came up to my classroom before going to their classroom. I knew something was up.

Reece: " I think I did something I shouldn't have"
Me thinking to myself well this isn't completely out of the ordinary.

Kate: Says nothing just is staring at me like she is in big trouble (she is a rule follower and is very fearful of getting in trouble, especially at school)

Reece goes on to tell me that he got in trouble with the bus driver. He says that Kate and her friend were yelling and the bus driver asked "Who's that yelling?" Reece tells the bus driver it was him.

Me: "Why did you lie to the bus driver?"
Reece: "Because I didn't want Kate to get in trouble mommy. She's never been in trouble before. The bus driver told me I would be in big trouble.

Side note: The first day the kids were on the bus they sat together. Kate wanted to sit by the window (after they already sat down) she wanted to switch seats with Reece. Reece stood up to switch seats and got in trouble with the bus driver and had to sit in the front for a week. So this is his second encounter with the bus driver.

I ask Kate why she didn't confess up that she was yelling and not Reece.

Kate: (bites her nails) Is trying to not break down in a flood of tears.

So what did I do? Well, I walked them both down to the assistant principal who was still at the bus drop off and make them tell him what they did. I thought Kate was going to pass out. Yes, I turned my own kids in.

What a sweet brother to take up for his sister like this. Apparently we need to work on lying to adults with him but that's not the point :) I don't know that a lot of brothers would protect their sisters like that. Reece is such a loving big brother and always does what he can to show love to his sister. We are so lucky that they have such a close relationship.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Timeline of Being Fat

Today after school was a wonderful run. I met with my CC (coach Cori) and ran 4 miles in 42 minutes. She of course taught me a strategy to get up hills. So of course the first hill she said no talking. Then when we got to the top she asked me what I thought about going up the hill.

 I told her and most of my thoughts were random thoughts about running: my knee is hurting, I like running in the mornings better, when is this hill going to be over, come on you can do it, and a few other random thoughts. She told me on the next hill I need to focus on things around me.

 So on the next hill I noticed: 3 cars go by, some pretty flowers, the green sign that was close to my finish of the hill, pretty flower pots, the really nice lawns that must cost the HOA to be out  of the roof, two pieces of trash that I should have picked up, and how quiet and still it was. Believe it or not it really helped.

Oh and at the end of the second hill she edged ahead of me which through my "look at my environment thinking" out the window. I started thinking, "Wait a minute did I slow down? Why is she getting ahead of me?" Which she told me afterwards was on purpose so that I need to not focus on other runners around me (I am pretty competitive and my goal is to enjoy and finish the 13.1 not sprint the first mile because other people are blowing by me).

She also really made me think about what am I going to do after I reach my goal of running a 13.1?

In the past I've gotten in shape and then once I reach my goal of whatever it is I am working towards I kind of lose interest and then I put the pounds back on. It has been a vicious weight cycle for a good part of my life.

I really want this time to be different. I want to be able to run the half-marathon, lose some weight, and change my eating habits for the rest of my life. I don't want to reach my goal and then go back to eating everything in sight.

I'm pretty sure I started emotionally eating a year or two after my mom passed away. It took that long for me to actually really believe that she wasn't coming back. So instead of turning to God for comfort I turned to food and I've been turning to it ever since. Yep, almost 15 years later from losing my mom I am trying to find something to comfort me instead of food and I am looking to the only one that can fill that hole, my Father in heaven.

1997 healthy
1998 healthy
1999 healthy
2000  start to get fat
2001 still fat
2002 still fat
2003 even fatter
2004 the fattest ever and I almost died delivering Reece because of my fatness-Reece born
2005 there isn't a word to describe the fatness
2006 continuing to be fat - Kate born
2007 healthy
2008 healthy
2009 healthy
2010 fat
2011 fat
2012 will be healthy

* In the past 15 years of my life I've weighed 120 lbs and 250 lbs.

OK so I guess 7 years of being fat isn't really a vicious cycle. For it to be a cycle I probably should have gone up and down in my weight a little more and from the looks of the timeline it was mostly just me being fat. At least this time I only stayed fat for 2 years.

This brings me to something, if you see me gaining weight again could you please, please slap me or ask me what is going on why am I eating enough food to feed a small village???

Monday, February 6, 2012

I Finally Got My Ice Cream

Wow, what a week. Reece has been sick and we went out of town for 3 days to see Eric's parents before they move to New Jersey. It has been busy. It is hard to find time to focus on being healthy when everything seems busy.

I can't believe it has been a week since I posted on here. I guess it is hard to write after such a wonderful experience at Backyard Burgers.

Well...I made it to 169 this week at my weigh in. I am really excited but I haven't had time to really even think about being proud of myself.

Yesterday on the way home from South Carolina I stopped to get the kids something to eat at a drive thru :(  I decided that I would get a small vanilla ice cream cone, it had been a while and I felt ok getting one. Well guess what?? Their darn ice cream machine was broken. Oh my kids thought that was funny.

The kids fell asleep on the way home and I thought I could sneak to Wendy's to get a large frosty without waking them up. I pull up to the drive thru and Reece wakes up and says "Mommy don't do it" It was really funny. Then Eric calls right after Reece tells me not to do it. I figured God was trying to tell me something so I just told the lady never mind about my order. At least this time I didn't order and drive off. I just cancelled.

Oh but don't you worry. I went to Chic-fil-a tonight and their ice cream machine was NOT broken and Reece and Eric were in the car with me, so no interruptions from them.

...a week later from Backyard Burgers I finally ate my ice cream. I guess that isn't too bad.

I've still been running. Eric and I enjoyed a ping pong run together on Friday. Ping pong because we ran in a neighborhood and it felt like we were ping pong balls going up and down every street.

This past week I wasn't too excited about eating healthy. It just wasn't exciting. Maybe I need to switch up what my healthy meals are. I might be getting tired of eating a salad for lunch every day. I need to mix it up some.