Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Nashville Here We Come!!!

I am going to run 13.1 miles on Saturday at 7:00 AM and I can't wait. I just finished packing my bag and I put my running stuff in my carry on just in case my other bag gets lost. So, that is how I know how excited I am.

I first of all want to thank Cori B. for being my running coach. It is really hard to explain what a support she has been to me. I don't think I would have made it this far without her. She pushed me when I thought I couldn't do anymore and she was there to listen. Besides meeting with me once a week to run, she checked in with me to see how I was doing, organized my workout plan, and encouraged me. I am so thankful that God brought her in to my life as a running coach and now as a friend. Even though she went Jillian Michaels on me many times she also had a softer side when needed. I am forever thankful.

I've never really thought of myself as being controlling or OCD, but as I sent out the third itinerary yesterday to the different people that are keeping our children, I realized that maybe my vision of my self could be cloudy. Today one of them told me I forgot to include in the schedule which side to part Kate's hair on.

The last time Eric and I went on a "trip" together was probably 5 years ago for a weekend to visit my good friend in Breckenridge. We went on a date to Outback not too long ago and ended up getting in an argument because I called the babysitter 3 times in 3 hours. So I've told myself that I'm not going to worry on this trip. I need to enjoy my time with my husband and not worry about the kids. I need to just give it to God, because He is the one who is in control. That is easier said than done though. So please pray that I have peace while I am away from Reece and Kate.

I feel good though about going. I want to thank Molly, Steph, and Willner who are all sharing the responsibility of keeping the kids for us while we are away. I promise I won't stalker call!!! Thank you to Kaleena for taking us to the airport tomorrow EARLY and for picking us up!!! (I hope I didn't leave anyone off)

I also want to thank anyone who has given me words of encouragement, you have helped me put my running shoes on some mornings.

I can't believe I made it. I am really going to run 13.1 miles. That just seems crazy that in January I was running 3 miles and now I am ready for a half-marathon!!

I can't wait to write about the run. Next time you here from me I will be a half-marathoner!!! :)


  1. I am so excited for you and incredibly proud!! You are amazingz

  2. Woohoo!! I'm rooting for you sweetie :D ~ Stephanie
