Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My Husband Tried to Leave Me

We just got back from the beach and I survived it without gaining all the weight back. I also survived running my long run without my Coach Cori.

I wasn't too excited about running 10 miles without my partner in crime. I was really nervous. Since I've been running longer "long runs" I've always done them with my coach.

Let's just say running with two men is different. At one point I had to remind Eric that he was leaving me. I looked up and  for some reason Eric and Peter are quickly moving ahead of me. I ignored it at first but then the distance was building, and I thought to myself, "I am being left behind..."

So I did what any wife running with her husband would do. I yelled his name and then...

I had to give him a pep talk on how that really shouldn't happen in our half-marathon since we are running it together to celebrate 10 years together. He apparently was in a running zone and simply didn't realize how much he was pulling away from me. So he almost left me in the dust or sand.

I felt like this was a good time to bring up us getting matching shirts that say, "Celebrating 10 years by running our first 1/2 Marathon" and wearing them during our race.

He quickly regained himself and threw out some positive comments here and there about me but somehow never answered my question about the matching shirts.


It was a quiet run.

 Luckily we were at the beach and I could "people watch" and admire the beautiful ocean. I also used the time to reflect on the many strategies my coach had given me. This was the time to try them out.

It was actually a good thing because it gave me the confidence that I will need to finish the half-marathon. Although I don't like running without my coach at least now I know that it is possible.

Not that Eric and Peter weren't good running partners, I loved every minute of our 10 miles together. Coach Cori just knows when I need someone to talk to me and she starts talking and she knows when I need a running strategy and she knows when I need someone to push me. That is why she is an awesome coach!!! That is probably why I have been able to get to the point where I am. I have a strong support system in my Coach Cori and in Eric at home.

My father-in-law who is in his 60's is in excellent shape and amazed me at how effortless the run was to him. He stepped in to "coach mode" the last mile. He could probably tell when I started grunting that I might need some encouragement. He kept me going by his kind words.

Eric on the other hand was still trying to leave me.

No, not really. He was a step ahead of us but wasn't leaving me this time (he was probably afraid I would have us wearing matching everything by the end)  I think he was trying to survive the 10 miles himself which makes it harder for him to step into the "coach mode".

Looking back on it accomplishing 10 miles is just crazy. Eric and I keep saying how we can't believe we ran 10 miles together.

*I would like to say although he finished one step ahead of me he was VERY sore yesterday and for some reason I felt great!!!


  1. I think that all three of you are amazing. And yes, isn't it freaky how easy it is for Peter to just get up and run 10 miles?! He is a good cheerleader though!

  2. From a movie perspective I would say Eric has learned to pursue a Spencer Tracy/ Audrey Hepburn relationship rather than a Richard Burton/Elizabeth Taylor interaction- ha!Ha! See, when you have a bipolar dad you get all kinds of creative stuff. And by the way, that is really amazing running. The longest I ever ran was about 6 miles. I had a Christian psychotherapist in Portland that ran marathons and moved to Hawaii. He really loved it. I don't care that I wore my knees out a little earlier running a mile or two a day. I can still swim and walk.

  3. Oh whoops! I said Audrey Hepburn and I meant to say Katharine Hepburn. Katharine also said-" Life is hard, after all, it kills you." I checked anonymous because I don't have my password in from of me.

  4. OK, I ran 2.6 this morning and almost died. You guys are amazing! I can't believe you can TALK while you're running either! I can't do that. Maybe because I was a smoker for 15 years? That may have something to do with it. ;)
