Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wal-Mart, Jesus, and Beer

"Mommy didn't you say you weren't drinking beer anymore?"

Yes, we were in the middle of Wal-Mart shopping for camping items and in the middle of the "alcohol aisle" Reece yells out, "Mommy didn't you say you weren't drinking beer until your race?"

Really in the middle of the aisle? He yelled it. All the stay at home moms quickly turned towards me and gave me this evil stare, like "Your 7 year old knows what beer is??"

Yes, my 7 year old knows what beer is. I've even asked him to "hand me a beer from the frig."

And...the beer was for Eric. Well at first it was.

I told Reece that is something you really don't yell in front of people in a store.

Also, as I was reaching in to the frig tonight to grab a Shock-Top Reece comes up behind me and says "Are you drinking that?" "What about your race?"

What do I say?  "Mommy isn't drinking wine until the race honey, not beer."

Ok, so I stink at detox. Maybe I'm just not meant for it. I like to have a beer every once in a while and some ice cream here and there (ok we all know the ice cream thing here and there isn't true).

It is hard being a mom that works full time and if I want a beer at 8 or 7 or 6 or even 4 I deserve it. Ok, maybe not 4.

I grew up thinking that alcohol was the devil. Which it can be if you drink too many. I grew up going to a Baptist Church (which I have wonderful memories of) and I've spent a lot of my life feeling guilty. Feeling guilty, more guilty, and even more guilty. I felt like I always thought I wasn't doing good enough for God. That I had to be perfect for Him to love me and to go to heaven. If I said a bad word I would feel guilty about it for days. I know that sounds crazy but it is true.

I missed out though for awhile. I didn't realize that God sent his son Jesus for me. I of course knew it but I didn't really KNOW it. And God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and whoever else is on their team wants me to not feel guilty (maybe sometimes). They want me to focus on loving others and Them and serving. I knew it all but I focused on what I wasn't doing right.

Thankful that we are celebrating Easter where our Lord and Savior rose from the grave and it reminds me of how much I am loved my my Heavenly Father.

So what does beer and Jesus have to do with each other?

A lot for me.

1 comment:

  1. Where was the text to me last night when you needed it? ahem.
