Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Stuffing My Face

I feel sick.

Think of your favorite food.

Most likely I ate it this past week. This was not a good week for me.

It started out ok. We went camping Thur-Sat. and I was supposed to get up on Friday and run 10 miles with my CC. Well it was raining and I didn't want to leave our family camping trip for 3 hours to go run.

I told myself that I would run on Saturday when we got home from camping and I did. I ran 10 miles by myself, which I am proud of. Part of the run was in the dark and it was scary and I won't ever do that again. I think I sprinted the last 2 miles due to fear.

I had a few slip ups at the beach and then at camping but nothing that made me feel like "Yuck, why did I do this?"

I ate too much candy in the past few days and today was horrible. We were driving back from Charlotte and for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to go to Chic-Fil-A. Not a good idea. Of course I ordered a large ice cream cone. The lady taking my order asked me twice if it was a large. I did think to myself that maybe that was a hint.

But I ordered it anyways.

That wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't just stuff my face with pizza. Oh and to make matters worse I volunteered to go get the pizza so that I could bring my refillable Sunset Slush cup with me and sneak in 4 scoops of Sunset Slush.

I mean why do I have a refillable "sweet cup" sitting around my house? It is just so hard. I just wish I could easily eat healthy all the time. Maybe if I had my own personal chef.

I feel sick.

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