Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 1 in Nashville: Dancing and Ice Cream

I can't believe I haven't written about our trip yet. It has been CRAZY since we got back and really I haven't been in a writing or computer mood. I've been reading. Now that I've finished my books, which I am really sad about, I am ready to write about our half marathon.

When I woke up Thursday morning for our trip to Nashville I couldn't wait to jump on the scale. In my mind I told myself I wanted to get below 160 before we left for our trip (this was a personal goal I had). The day before we left I was 160.4. I weighed myself and I was 159.6!!! I was really excited.

We left Thursday early and arrived in Nashville at 8:00 am. The plane ride was bumpy but it was nice to be going somewhere.

We dropped off our luggage at the Courtyard in downtown, which was very nice I must say, and we headed to breakfast at Union 417, which had the best breakfast. After that we got in line for the Expo to open.

We spent 3 hours at the Expo!! We had a great time. We bought a few items and enjoyed all the free stuff they had to offer.

We then went and checked in to our hotel and relaxed for a little while.

So one might think that if you are going to run a half-marathon on Saturday that you take it easy the two nights before. Well...maybe it was because it was the first night without kids for us in awhile, or maybe it was because the beer tasted so good at the Wildhorse Saloon. I don't know which one but for some reason we decided to let loose on Thursday night.

The food at the Wildhorse was amazing and the Blue Moon didn't taste so bad either. We left the Wildhorse Saloon and headed down Broadway to hear a band.

We walked in to Merchants, which wasn't crowded and fell in love with the band. Well Eric did. For some reason Eric thought it was his mission to video tape this band. I'm not sure if he thought he was going to get some type of country music video out of it or what. It was my mission to try and see how many times I could dance my way in to his video that he was trying to take. It was also my mission to get everyone in there dancing, I somewhat succeeded. It was really funny.

We danced, laughed, and stayed there most of the night. The band asked us if we wanted to go to their next gig with them. I guess they wanted groupies. We said, "yes"  and followed them to the next place. This was about 10:00. After 30 minutes of this place we were ready to go back to the hotel. Kidless or not we knew our age and limits. :)  Of course we had to get ice cream before we went to bed.

I think I ate here every day. It was soooooooooooo scrumptious.

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