Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Race Poem and Passing a Skinny Person

As I drank the most delicious Fat Tire I had ever had in my life I replayed my 8k race back and forth in my mind.

People around me were talking but I wasn't really listening (sorry if that was you). I couldn't believe it was over. It went by so fast.

I was a lot more focused then I thought I would be. As we started off it was crowded and it was frustrating to me. I had to weave in and out of people, you know since I'm so fast :) CC gave me some good advice about running with someone and tips on moving around other people and crowds and great tips for hills that I can use during my half-marathon.

It is really hard to write about this run because it was so different than any other run I've had before. It was so peaceful. I was more in tune to sounds around me and they were nice and distracting. Coach would give me advice every little bit about running and strategies to help me. It was probably our quietest run together. When we talked it was about running tips and they were quick tips, probably so I could remember them.  It is nice running with someone beside you that you know is supporting you and encouraging you.

I liked not knowing the course. It felt relaxing. At times it felt like it was just me and the road.

I passed a couple people with the "runner's belts" that were full of water and other supplies and that felt good. I passed a lot of out of shape skinny people and a couple people that I thought might need an oxygen tank by the end of the race.

I believe that the only way to explain it is through poetry.

Up A Hill

Up a hill we go
weaving in and out
not too fast, not too slow
keep it steady
strategies from coach

mind is focused
pass a lady with a belt
pass a skinny person
pass a fat guy

Wait I passed a skinny person?
Skinny person walking
Skinny person's face is red
we just started the race
Poor out of shape skinny person

Up a hill, down a hill
pass a cemetery

Heavy breathing
its not me
heavy breathing
still not me
its a fat guy

pass a fat guy
praying there's an ambulance nearby

up a hill, down a hill
lots of people

Pass a lady with a belt
lots of water
lots of items
is she running a different race?
pass a lady with a belt

Up a hill, down a hill
tell me when i should sprint
very stubborn, doesn't listen
start to sprint
way too early

feeling sick
might throw up
feeling sick
might throw up

then i feel a hand grab mine
now its time to sprint she says

Across the finish line we go.

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