Sunday, March 25, 2012

Two Beers, The Best Long Run, and Detox Take 2

Two beers. That is all it took to BLOW my Detox for the week. I mean is it that hard to do something for a week??

We had date night last night and we went to Outback. I ordered a 6 oz. steak and I only ate half of it and I ordered steamed broccoli. I was very proud of this because usually I would order a potato with lots of butter and salt and eat about 4 of their loaves of bread. I had one bite of the bread.

Why couldn't I pass up the Fat Tire that was staring at me from the bar? Yes, we walked in and sat at the bar. Not a good place for someone trying not to drink until their race. And yes that is how the Deatons roll on date night. We sit at a bar, eat steak, drink a beer or two, and watch basketball games. We had the best time!!

Why was the beer calling my name? Well it could be that my husbands Blue Moon sitting inches away from me just looked too delicious. The foam was just slightly towering over the side and with each bubble it seemed to be spelling out my name.

I actually made a good choice if you think about it, so I'm telling myself. If I ordered a glass of wine I would be more likely to drink a glass of wine later on in the week.

 Not that I don't like beer as much as wine but I rarely sit down after a long day and crave a beer. There are times,  but not like I do wine. (don't get me wrong I'm not an alcoholic or anything). On a regular basis I would normally drink a glass or two of wine maybe two times a week (I am pretty sure that is normal??) If not maybe someone should set up an intervention of some sort, just let me know.

Anyways, I blew it last night.

The rest of the week I did very well. I decided to taper down from the coffee per Eric's suggestion. He also thought it would be a good idea to quit coffee when I'm tracked out, which means tomorrow. Although I am going to go see Hunger Games tomorrow and I definitely don't want to be grumpy for that. So, maybe Tuesday :)

I did very well on the sweets though and really that is what I need to be focusing on. We were at Maggie Moo's today and I didn't get any ice cream. You heard me right. I didn't get any ice cream. Oh man did I want to get some. But I didn't.

Most importantly, I had the best run today with my CC that I think I've ever had. I did not want to get up this morning at all. I knew I couldn't cancel on CC, she would pull some Jillian Michaels move on me and come drag me out of bed or something.  :)

We went running in downtown Raleigh. The weather was beautiful and so was the scenery. It is so hard to explain the feeling that I get when I run the long runs. It is such a peaceful feeling and it clears my mind. Today my knees didn't hurt, I felt confident, and it went by fast.

Of course Jillian Michaels, I mean Coach Cori, saved the hills for the last two miles this time. She's ruthless. She pushed me to sprint at the end. It was our fastest run together, 9.54 miles with an average 10:30 per mile.

I had to confess to her about blowing my detox for a night and I'm pretty sure she added on a few extra hills for it. Note to self: Confess after the run.

Today was also the best I felt  after a long run. I could walk today. I tried to tell CC that my run was so awesome because of the 2 beers I had but for some reason she didn't think so. Maybe it was the steak.

So Detox Take 2 will start tomorrow :) Hopefully next week I will be blogging about how I finally made it a week!!!

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