Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Buying Ice Cream on "The Streets"

Ice cream eaten this week: I LOST COUNT

Today we ran 8.25 miles in about 1:29. I never thought that I would be running for almost and hour and a half. There are a lot of things that I've done for that amount of time and running isn't one of them.

I never knew my body could or would even want to run that far. It is hard to explain that "runner's high" that I feel while I'm running and afterwards. After today's run I wanted to cry. Not because I was hurt but because I felt so good.

So the first 4 miles that CC took me on today were VERY HILLY. She said she didn't plan that but I don't believe her. :)

We got yelled at by 2 older ladies, not because we looked good in our running outfits but apparently we were running on the golf cart path, that looks like a great runner's path. There were all of 2 people playing golf on the whole course. The first lady we were nice to, the second one it was just annoying.

At about mile 7 I was hurting. I had to start telling myself over and over again that I could do it. Of course CC gave me encouragement and began telling me a story so I forgot about how much I wanted to stop.

It was an amazing run. I wanted to stop at mile 8 and we weren't at our finishing spot yet so Coach Cori went Jillian Michaels on me and pushed me to go the rest of it to our cars. I'm glad she did.

I feel like my weight loss has come to a stand still. I quit writing down what I'm eating, which means I am probably eating more than I think. I just wish I had a chef that lived at my house. Actually if Ryan Gosling was a chef that would be perfect.

I need to start monitoring my food a little better. I didn't do very well this past weekend. Pizza, Sunset Slush, too many Fat Tires, warm bread with honey at night, and actually I am really hungry right this minute and I am trying to fight driving to the store and getting a half gallon of Breyers ice cream.

So the fight against food continues. I feel really good though about my running.

I need to admit that I haven't been doing so well on the ice cream. I had Sunset Slush on Friday and a McFlurry on Saturday. I think that was my second McFlurry of the week too.  I just really love it. I wish that McDonald's would put my picture up and tell employees not to serve me ice cream. I guess then I would have to start buying my ice cream on the streets. Then who knows what it could be laced with, unless I find a good dealer.

Ohhh..maybe my secret calling is an undercover ice cream cop. Then I could get paid to eat ice cream.

This blog post was supposed to be about how much I love running, kicked butt today running 8.25, love my CC, feel good about myself, and now...I've made it about ice cream. I NEED HELP!!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! You crack me up! I can't believe how much you're running! It just amazes me! My toes go numb after 2 miles! LOL
