Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Nashville Here We Come!!!

I am going to run 13.1 miles on Saturday at 7:00 AM and I can't wait. I just finished packing my bag and I put my running stuff in my carry on just in case my other bag gets lost. So, that is how I know how excited I am.

I first of all want to thank Cori B. for being my running coach. It is really hard to explain what a support she has been to me. I don't think I would have made it this far without her. She pushed me when I thought I couldn't do anymore and she was there to listen. Besides meeting with me once a week to run, she checked in with me to see how I was doing, organized my workout plan, and encouraged me. I am so thankful that God brought her in to my life as a running coach and now as a friend. Even though she went Jillian Michaels on me many times she also had a softer side when needed. I am forever thankful.

I've never really thought of myself as being controlling or OCD, but as I sent out the third itinerary yesterday to the different people that are keeping our children, I realized that maybe my vision of my self could be cloudy. Today one of them told me I forgot to include in the schedule which side to part Kate's hair on.

The last time Eric and I went on a "trip" together was probably 5 years ago for a weekend to visit my good friend in Breckenridge. We went on a date to Outback not too long ago and ended up getting in an argument because I called the babysitter 3 times in 3 hours. So I've told myself that I'm not going to worry on this trip. I need to enjoy my time with my husband and not worry about the kids. I need to just give it to God, because He is the one who is in control. That is easier said than done though. So please pray that I have peace while I am away from Reece and Kate.

I feel good though about going. I want to thank Molly, Steph, and Willner who are all sharing the responsibility of keeping the kids for us while we are away. I promise I won't stalker call!!! Thank you to Kaleena for taking us to the airport tomorrow EARLY and for picking us up!!! (I hope I didn't leave anyone off)

I also want to thank anyone who has given me words of encouragement, you have helped me put my running shoes on some mornings.

I can't believe I made it. I am really going to run 13.1 miles. That just seems crazy that in January I was running 3 miles and now I am ready for a half-marathon!!

I can't wait to write about the run. Next time you here from me I will be a half-marathoner!!! :)

Friday, April 20, 2012


"One small Heath Blizzard please."

"Please pull up to pay miss."

As I reached in my purse to pull out my money, I heard my phone go off. I could taste the ice cream  and the thought of the Heath bar pieces were making me foam at the mouth.

That's when  I checked my phone.

And guess what? My Coach Cori sent me a text saying "How are you feeling today?"

%*)&U*(&%$#@  is what I thought in my head. I knew I couldn't go threw with it now. That was a sign from God. He really didn't want me eating that Dairy Queen blizzard.

I took two bites and then sent CC a text back about what happened and she talked me out of it. I didn't eat anymore. Later on that evening I was glad that I didn't stuff the ice cream in my face. I need to stick to my once a week ice cream indulgence.

I knew why I wanted to eat though. I felt discouraged. About a week ago my Achilles tendon started hurting. It felt better this past Sunday so I ran the almost 11 miles. I could barely walk the next day. Lots of Pain. I haven't really ran since. I jogged 2 miles the other day and that is it. I am icing and resting it.

I miss running. Everything I've read online says that I need to rest my Achilles though. I'm afraid that if I run in the next few days I could really injure myself and miss out on the race. It is very hard. I know I will be fine for our half-marathon which is only a week away!!! I'm not worried about training this week. I feel ready. I just don't like NOT running. I feel so much better when I do. Maybe I will swim tomorrow morning.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Stronger Than I Think

Ok, so we all know that I didn't do so well at the beginning of last week. What I did do is turn it around. I've been working hard these past couple of days and I am feeling proud.

Proud that in January I was running 3 miles and today I ran 10.74

Today wasn't just 10.74, it was the hardest run I've ever done. My CC took me on the craziest, hilliest, run that is known to man. The last half mile I really wanted to give up but I didn't. I was hurting. I am pretty sure that my CC told me two more blocks at least 3 times. At one point I'm not even sure if I was forming complete sentences. I ended up doing about a 10:40 minute mile which I am very proud of.

At the end of the run I thought I was going to throw up and pass out all at the same time. I think I told Cori that I felt like I was walking on space. Of course it never happened. I didn't throw up or pass out.

About 10 minutes after the run I felt great.

I've been thinking about that run all day today and how good it felt at the end (after I felt sick) and I can't wait for the half-marathon. I am excited to accomplish something that I've never done before.

I can't believe it is only 2 weeks away.

I am a lot stronger than I think.

It amazes me how we let our thoughts take over us and make us feel bad about ourselves. I say "we" because I am pretty sure that I'm not the only who lets their mind wonder to negative thoughts.

With me it is usually about body image that I have trouble (I'm sure you could have guessed that). In other areas in my life I feel very confident and spend very little time having negative thoughts.

When it comes to my body and what I think about what I look like I really struggle. I don't know why. I mean I don't think I'm ugly or anything. I've just never been confident in my looks. Growing up I've always had trouble with this.

This is probably something that I will always struggle with.

I am stronger than I think though. I've been through a lot in life, as I am sure most people have, and I consider myself somewhat normal.

Today I feel proud.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Stuffing My Face

I feel sick.

Think of your favorite food.

Most likely I ate it this past week. This was not a good week for me.

It started out ok. We went camping Thur-Sat. and I was supposed to get up on Friday and run 10 miles with my CC. Well it was raining and I didn't want to leave our family camping trip for 3 hours to go run.

I told myself that I would run on Saturday when we got home from camping and I did. I ran 10 miles by myself, which I am proud of. Part of the run was in the dark and it was scary and I won't ever do that again. I think I sprinted the last 2 miles due to fear.

I had a few slip ups at the beach and then at camping but nothing that made me feel like "Yuck, why did I do this?"

I ate too much candy in the past few days and today was horrible. We were driving back from Charlotte and for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to go to Chic-Fil-A. Not a good idea. Of course I ordered a large ice cream cone. The lady taking my order asked me twice if it was a large. I did think to myself that maybe that was a hint.

But I ordered it anyways.

That wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't just stuff my face with pizza. Oh and to make matters worse I volunteered to go get the pizza so that I could bring my refillable Sunset Slush cup with me and sneak in 4 scoops of Sunset Slush.

I mean why do I have a refillable "sweet cup" sitting around my house? It is just so hard. I just wish I could easily eat healthy all the time. Maybe if I had my own personal chef.

I feel sick.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wal-Mart, Jesus, and Beer

"Mommy didn't you say you weren't drinking beer anymore?"

Yes, we were in the middle of Wal-Mart shopping for camping items and in the middle of the "alcohol aisle" Reece yells out, "Mommy didn't you say you weren't drinking beer until your race?"

Really in the middle of the aisle? He yelled it. All the stay at home moms quickly turned towards me and gave me this evil stare, like "Your 7 year old knows what beer is??"

Yes, my 7 year old knows what beer is. I've even asked him to "hand me a beer from the frig."

And...the beer was for Eric. Well at first it was.

I told Reece that is something you really don't yell in front of people in a store.

Also, as I was reaching in to the frig tonight to grab a Shock-Top Reece comes up behind me and says "Are you drinking that?" "What about your race?"

What do I say?  "Mommy isn't drinking wine until the race honey, not beer."

Ok, so I stink at detox. Maybe I'm just not meant for it. I like to have a beer every once in a while and some ice cream here and there (ok we all know the ice cream thing here and there isn't true).

It is hard being a mom that works full time and if I want a beer at 8 or 7 or 6 or even 4 I deserve it. Ok, maybe not 4.

I grew up thinking that alcohol was the devil. Which it can be if you drink too many. I grew up going to a Baptist Church (which I have wonderful memories of) and I've spent a lot of my life feeling guilty. Feeling guilty, more guilty, and even more guilty. I felt like I always thought I wasn't doing good enough for God. That I had to be perfect for Him to love me and to go to heaven. If I said a bad word I would feel guilty about it for days. I know that sounds crazy but it is true.

I missed out though for awhile. I didn't realize that God sent his son Jesus for me. I of course knew it but I didn't really KNOW it. And God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and whoever else is on their team wants me to not feel guilty (maybe sometimes). They want me to focus on loving others and Them and serving. I knew it all but I focused on what I wasn't doing right.

Thankful that we are celebrating Easter where our Lord and Savior rose from the grave and it reminds me of how much I am loved my my Heavenly Father.

So what does beer and Jesus have to do with each other?

A lot for me.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My Husband Tried to Leave Me

We just got back from the beach and I survived it without gaining all the weight back. I also survived running my long run without my Coach Cori.

I wasn't too excited about running 10 miles without my partner in crime. I was really nervous. Since I've been running longer "long runs" I've always done them with my coach.

Let's just say running with two men is different. At one point I had to remind Eric that he was leaving me. I looked up and  for some reason Eric and Peter are quickly moving ahead of me. I ignored it at first but then the distance was building, and I thought to myself, "I am being left behind..."

So I did what any wife running with her husband would do. I yelled his name and then...

I had to give him a pep talk on how that really shouldn't happen in our half-marathon since we are running it together to celebrate 10 years together. He apparently was in a running zone and simply didn't realize how much he was pulling away from me. So he almost left me in the dust or sand.

I felt like this was a good time to bring up us getting matching shirts that say, "Celebrating 10 years by running our first 1/2 Marathon" and wearing them during our race.

He quickly regained himself and threw out some positive comments here and there about me but somehow never answered my question about the matching shirts.


It was a quiet run.

 Luckily we were at the beach and I could "people watch" and admire the beautiful ocean. I also used the time to reflect on the many strategies my coach had given me. This was the time to try them out.

It was actually a good thing because it gave me the confidence that I will need to finish the half-marathon. Although I don't like running without my coach at least now I know that it is possible.

Not that Eric and Peter weren't good running partners, I loved every minute of our 10 miles together. Coach Cori just knows when I need someone to talk to me and she starts talking and she knows when I need a running strategy and she knows when I need someone to push me. That is why she is an awesome coach!!! That is probably why I have been able to get to the point where I am. I have a strong support system in my Coach Cori and in Eric at home.

My father-in-law who is in his 60's is in excellent shape and amazed me at how effortless the run was to him. He stepped in to "coach mode" the last mile. He could probably tell when I started grunting that I might need some encouragement. He kept me going by his kind words.

Eric on the other hand was still trying to leave me.

No, not really. He was a step ahead of us but wasn't leaving me this time (he was probably afraid I would have us wearing matching everything by the end)  I think he was trying to survive the 10 miles himself which makes it harder for him to step into the "coach mode".

Looking back on it accomplishing 10 miles is just crazy. Eric and I keep saying how we can't believe we ran 10 miles together.

*I would like to say although he finished one step ahead of me he was VERY sore yesterday and for some reason I felt great!!!