Monday, August 20, 2012

Good -Bye FATTY

I am tired of being fat. I really am. No offense to fat people, since I am one.

I really hate it. I hate that none of my clothes fit me so I have to wear the same old things over and over again because I am too stubborn to go buy fat clothes. I won't do it. I would rather have to safety pin my shorts because they are too small or rip my pants when I bend over rather than going and buying clothes that are fat.

That's it I am done. I hate the way that I can go all day and just dream about food.

I am tired of feeling like I am 60 when really I am 33 all because I am so fat I can't move.

Too bad if this upsets you and you are fat. Well we all need to do something about it. We need to quit shoving the next brownie in our mouths and go exercise.

I am tired of stupid excuses that I tell myself. Oh, today is Wednesday I can't exercise it is in the middle of the week.

Oh ,it is the the week before I might get my period I can eat this gallon of ice cream. I deserve it. Oh, I feel a little sad for myself so I can clean out the pantry. OH, my day didn't go like I wanted it,so I will eat this bag of chips. Really who doesn't have these problems?? Well maybe not everyone.

Booohooo...time to get off my fat ass and get with the program. I am sick and tired of thinking that something is wrong with my mirror. I am tired of dreaming about going to Dairy Queen  and just letting the ice cream pour into my mouth for at least 3 hours.

I want to be able to sit down without wondering if my shirt is lifted up in the back and everyone around me is getting sick. I am tired of having to sit down to tie my shoes because I might tip over. I am tired of telling myself, "Well, you have nice blue eyes" Who gives a *()&^ about my nice blue eyes, as a woman I want to feel good about my body.

I want to feel healthy. I love how I feel when I know I've had self-control and I've pushed myself athletically. I love how I feel when I run. I love how I feel when I don't use food as my therapist. I love how I feel when I eat what I am meant to eat with self-control. I love how I feel when I RUN...

As a side note: Thank you to my cousin Chrissy who is not letting me get too far gone from wanting to be healthy!!!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Fatness surounds me.

Why can't I stop eating?? What is wrong with me??

Why do I like to shove food in my face?

I am up to 168.8 and I really want to be at 130 or less. Only a few pounds to go...

My mother-in-law is

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I need to workout in my sleep.

I need energy.

Maybe I should look in to buying a couple cases of Red Bull. Probably not since I've never even tasted it.  I feel like I am always tired.

I know. I know. It is probably because I'm not exercising which gives you more energy.

When do I have time to run? Since school started I get up at 5:30 every morning to get to work at 7:00-7:15. Then after work it is dinner, homework, and there is no way that I am going running at 8 pm.

Should I start sleep running? I'm sure there is research out there about some program I can do it in my sleep. I can't stand to do run after school. There are too many other things to do.

My problem is that I don't like not being good at something. I find 1 or 2 things and I do them very well. Right now my health isn't one of those things and it sucks. It is just too easy to put ourselves last. To not take time to do the things we should.

I feel so tired. When I finish typing this I am going to bed. It is 8:00, why am I sooo tired??

Any workout ideas that I can do in my sleep?

I need energy.

Maybe I should look in to buying a couple cases of Red Bull. Probably not since I've never even tasted it.  I feel like I am always tired.

I know. I know. It is probably because I'm not excericsing which gives you more energy. That is easier said than done.

When do I have time to run? Since school started I get up at 5:30 every morning to get to work at 7:00-7:15.

Should I start sleep running? I'm sure there is research out there about some program I can do it in my sleep. I can't stand to do run after school. There are too many other things to do.

My problem is that I don't like not being good at something. I find 1 or 2 things and I do them very well. Right now my health isn't one of those things and it sucks.