Monday, December 23, 2019

The enemy?

Why is food and working out always an issue for me? I hate not having control and this is an area in my life that I feel like I've always struggled with control.  I'm not sure why. I eat when I'm happy, I eat when I'm sad, when I'm mad, I'm actually starting to feel like Dr. Seuss.  I want to start a healthy journey but it's so hard. Food tastes so good. Is it hard to get off the floor ? YES!! DO I dread walking in a group of people because I know my butt or arms are going to bump in to someone? YES! As I read back through my blogs from 2012 I wonder why I spelled fridge, frig, I mean who doesn't spell check their blog? I guess I don't...

I really want to sign up for another race and start running again. I mean it's only been 6 years since I ran a full marathon. Is food the enemy or my own negative voices in my head the enemy? I'm not sure.