Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Traveling Around Europe

I can't believe it has been a month since I've posted on here. I would like to say it is because I've been traveling around Europe but we all know that isn't true. More like traveling around Dairy Queen and Goodberrys.

I have been busy though. It takes a lot of time and energy to not take care of yourself and not exercise. Planning trips to get ice cream without others knowing. It can be exhausting.

Actually, even though my mind hasn't been convinced to be healthy this past month, I've still gotten out of bed 2-3 times a week to go get on the treadmill at the gym. Thank you to my cousin Chrissy (who lives in Florida) who hasn't given up on me and continues to remind me that I need to get off my lazy butt and do something. After my race, when I stopped running and started to eat everything in front of me she kept going with being healthy. She looks AMAZING!! The hottest mom in Florida by FAR!!! I think she's lost 30 or 40 pounds!!!

Also, my fourth grade team meets in the mornings to workout at the gym. We decided that if someone cancels and doesn't workout some other time during the day then they owe money and it goes in a jar. I'm not sure how much we have in there right now.

It is much easier to try and be healthy when you have people checking in on you. I need to do a better job of seeing who I can check in with and maybe help others in a positive way. So many people have helped and continue to help me on my journey.

Anyways, enough about my past month of eating and getting on the treadmill.

I think I forget how much I love to run. I am referring to running outside. Although I don't mind running on the treadmill, it is a different experience for me outside. Maybe it is the whole being outside one with nature thing. I've always loved the outdoors, so it makes sense that I would enjoy running outside compared to inside.

I am off work for a few weeks (the joys of being year round) and was able to sleep in yesterday but I decided to get up and go running. It had been raining outside for awhile and stopped for a few minutes. I figured this was my window to step outside. Once I was down the street it started to pour. I kept going. There is something about running in the rain. Knowing that somebody else might give up and I kept going. I only ran 2.23 miles but it felt good.

I forget how much I love to run and how it makes me feel. It is therapy.

Eric went running last night and said he wanted to go this morning. I told him I was going this morning at 6 so he said he would go at 5. Well 5:45 hit and he was back and I didn't want to get up. Last night he didn't want to go and I wouldn't let it go and kept telling him to go, so he finally did. Needless to say this morning at 5:45 when I turned the alarm off and decided to go back to bed, he didn't let me. "Oh no you don't" he said. He made me get up. I am pretty stubborn and tried to fight him on it and give him about 10 excuses but he wouldn't take it.

So, I got up ran 2.23 miles and couldn't have been happier when I was done.

I say all this because a lot of times the people in our lives don't realize how important they can be. A word of encouragement or maybe a word of get the bleep out of bed. Sometimes we need it. It is easy to go about our own lives and forget to think about how we can make a difference in other people's lives and how much other people matter in our lives.

So thank you to anyone and everyone who continues to encourage me or takes the other route and doesn't put up with my stubbornness and tells me how it is. Don't let down, I need it!!